Hello and welcome to SammyDavisJr.Info! This website started in 2002 as the Sammy Davis, Jr. Discography (old screenshot on the right). The session-based discography is still the heart and soul of the site. I will be continuing to update it, make corrections and include additional details and issues into the future.
Many thanks to Steve Albin for his work on BRIAN, the discographical software program that makes the discography possible, and for his assistance over the years with my work on Sammy.
For a while, however, I’ve wanted to broaden the scope of the information on the site to include other things Sammy did during his career, across film, television, Broadway and more. There’s enough in Sammy’s career that I could be busy creating pages for his albums, TV appearances and live performances until I croak, so while this is by no means a definitive resource yet, it’s a catalogue of his career that I intend to add detail to regularly.
Many thanks to my sister, Lyrian, for her work on this new site design.
The plan is to create individual pages for each of Sammy’s LPs, his films, Broadway shows, and TV appearances. Beyond that, this blog will provide a place to put tidbits on his career, highlight clips from YouTube, specific recordings worth highlighting and all kinds of other randomness.
For additions, suggestions, corrections, or comments, please feel free to contact me using the form on the About page.
Sydney, Australia
January, 2017